Category Archives: business

Cebu Pacific dancing flight attendants

Cebu Pacific dancing flight attendants

If you thought Southwest flight attendants were fun, check out these flight attendants from Cebu Pacific. The make airline safety entertaining as they dance. The cabin crew demonstrates seat belt safety and flotation device usage to the music of Just Dance by Lady Gaga. Afterwards, they show the passengers how to correctly use the oxygen masks in case of an emergency to the music of California Gurls by Katy Perry. The stewardesses do a great job on the choreographed piece in such tight quarters. This video is going viral.

These flight attendants are giving the dancing inmates a run for their money.

Cebu Pacific dancing flight attendants

2010 NAAAP Convention Saturday Lunch Keynote

2010 NAAAP Convention Saturday Lunch Keynote

If you can’t make it to the 2010 NAAAP Convention, you’re in luck. The Saturday Keynote with Jenny Ming, former President of Old Navy and current CEO of Charlotte Russe is broadcasting from 12pm-1:30pm. Join in the conversation with twitter questions.

2010 NAAAP Convention Saturday Lunch Keynote – Jenny Ming

2010 NAAAP Convention Saturday Lunch Keynote – Betty Lo

Delivering Happiness with Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh

Delivering Happiness with Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh

Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh is promoting his book Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose. In his first book, Tony shares the different business lessons he learned in life, from a lemonade stand and pizza business through LinkExchange, Zappos, and more. Ultimately, he shows how using happiness as a framework can produce profits, passion, and purpose both in business and in life. The book is already on the bestsellers list for the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal.

If you don’t have time to read the book, watch these videos to see how Tony Hsieh and his crew took Zappos all the way from $0 to $1 billion in revenues in less than 10 years.

Delivering Happine ss with Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh

Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh speaks at Google

SF Asian American Roundtable discussion

Here’s an interesting discussion by four San Francisco Bay Area Asian American leaders representing various fields. The panel consists of Charles Huang (Co-Founder and Executive Vice-President, Guitar Hero), Kyung Yoon (Founder/CEO, Talent Age Associates), Fiona Ma (Assembly Member, District 12 San Francisco), and Jeff Adachi (San Francisco Public Defender and filmmaker) They talk about being Asian American today, and the opportunities and challenges facing the community.

Topics covered include Leadership, Business, Politics, Media and the Arts, Stereotypes, Hepatitis B and Health Disparities, and Current Issues. It offers a fascinating discussion about cultural differences that hold back Asian Americans like risk taking, being vocal, and expressing yourself.

SF Asian American Roundtable discussion

Unheard Voices from the BP Oil Spill

Unheard Voices from the BP Oil Spill

Like the documentary A Village of Versailles told the story of the Asian community during Hurricane Katrina, Green for All is giving a voice to the Vietnamese community affected by the BP Oil Spill. Besides the ecological disaster, an economic disaster is sweeping through the communities in the region. For the Asian American community, the catastrophe is further compounded by lack of translators to foster communication and economic relief options. With a heavy base in the fishing industry, the local Vietnamese community has been one of the hardest hit. Local leaders are working to create quality, long-term green jobs to offset the economic costs of the oil spill. Check out some of these stories that you won’t hear on TV or news reports. Listen to the unheard voices from the BP Oil Spill.

Thousands of Americans whose livelihoods depend on the waters of the Gulf Coast are now scrambling to make ends meet. Here’s the story of Theresa Seafood Inc. :

Louisiana US Representative Joesph Cao and local residents share their stories

The Mary Queen of Viet Nam Community Development Corporation supports New Orleans East, a large Vietnamese and African-American community. It provides business development, affordable housing, urban farm, community organizing, social services, healthcare outreach, and environmental justice programs. Now, it is hoping its plans for a 28-acre Viet Village Urban Farm can help lead New Orleans to a sustainable future. This farm will create green jobs and provide healthy food to the community. The organization is hoping to break ground in 2011. Learn more about the Viet Village Urban Garden