Author Archives: Kevin Hsieh - channel APA

Where Would You Go? by The Sweet Hurt

The Mighty Fifty is at it again. This time doing the music video for Where Would You Go? by The Sweet Hurt aka Wendy Wang. If you like the melodic sound of The Sweet Hurt, get her album In the Shade of Dreams on The Sweet Hurt - In the Shade of Dreams or at Amazon.

Also check out some of the other videos shot by The Might Fifty : The Boobs Song, Living In A Tree, Fix Or Providence, THE F.R.E.S.H., But I Will, Everyday, and I Love Lucy.

Where Would You Go? by The Sweet Hurt

Good Hygiene Gets Girls by Wong Fu Productions

Wong Fu Productions latest video “Good Hygiene Gets Girls” pokes fun at how little guys have to do to get ready to go out. We all love watching the makeup gurus with their tips for girls to get pretty. Girls get lots of tips on how to get ready…well, how about some tips for guys? Rick (Phil Wang) gives his advice on what guys can do to impress the ladies. How much do guys really need to do to get ready? Learn these seven tips from Rick and his suggestions for altenatives:

1. wash hair

2. wash face

3. wash body

4. shave

5. Lotion

6. brush teeth

7. put something in your hair

Here’s a brief background on the concept of Rick’s Man Tutorial.

The idea just came one night on the drive to dinner. I had just seen a makeup tutorial online and thought, wow, there are so many things for a girl to do with makeup… and inversely thought, it’d be funny if a guy made a something of the sort. Wes and Ted had the good idea of giving “Rick” a backstory just to give it a little more depth, hence the “ex girlfriend”.

Don’t forget the outtakes below too.

Good Hygiene Gets Girls by Wong Fu Productions

Good Hygiene Gets Girls Bloopers

BTW – Wong Fu is donating a portion of their revenue this month from their online store to UNICEF to help aid Haiti. Please visit their site for more info, or help whichever way you see fit.

Freak Show by Canary Sing

Check out this hip hop duo Canary Sing out of Seattle. Freak Show is the debut video from the pair consisting of Ispire (Hollis Wong-Wear) and Lioness (Madeleine Clifford). Look for more in 2010 from Canary Sing. They were previously on the Asian Hip Hop Summit.

Pick up Boss Ladies: The Mixtape on Canary Sing - Boss Ladies: The Mixtape or at amazon

Freak Show by Canary Sing

More about Canary Sing

Canary Sing is Madlinez the Lioness (Madeleine Clifford) and Ispire (Hollis Wong-Wear). Poets, emcees, students and teachers, Canary Sing represent for the youth, the Others, and those who navigate between borders. We are mentors for the literary arts organization Youth Speaks Seattle , and were members of the 2006 Seattle Youth Slam Team that placed 4th in the nation and performed at the Apollo Theater in Harlem. Active in Seattle since December of 2006.

Jin’s 2010 to do list – Get ReDefined

Jin is redefining himself for 2010. Check out his new year’s resolution. Not on list are any GrindTime battles. Not only is Jin still continuing to serve God, but he’s also looking to create more music in English and Cantonese. Hopefully, English speaking fans won’t have to wait too long. He’s also listed doing TV and film projects. It’s unclear if he’ll do it in Hong Kong or USA. Look for a big year from Jin.

Here’s a few clips in Cantonese shot in November 2008, a few months after he moved to Hong Kong, He was invited to be a part of a theater arts performance called “ReDefine 6” and was given the chance to create a short “play” to redefine something. He wanted to redefine “Jin”.

Jin – Redefined (Cantonese) – Part 1

Jin – Redefined (Cantonese) – Part 2