Film Hustler Quentin Lee continues his series about pimping out his latest film The People I’ve Slept With. In this episode, we join him and his crew at the film’s Asian premiere in Taipei for the Golden Horse Film Festival. Writer/Producer Koji Steven Sakai and actress Karin Anna Cheung go on the Taiwan adventure with Quentin where they are staying at the most haunted hotel in Taipei, practice their Mandarin, and chow down at Justin Lin’s favorite spot in Taipei.
Film Hustler in Taipei – Part 1
In part 2 of their trip to Taipei, the group visits the tallest building in Taiwan, do a TV interview for TVBS in broken Chinese, meet up with blogger Jocelyn Wang (Joz from 8Asians), and go to the night market.
Film Hustler in Taipei – Part 2
Previous episodes:
The People I’ve Slept With premieres
Film Hustler in San Diego
Film Hustler in Vancouver