In the online series “The Potstickers”, Ben is a fifteen-year old kid struggling to keep his hormones in check who wants to get closer to the love of his life, a girl named Fanny. He’s been stuck with the same friends – GK and Alec – since pre-school, plays video games late into the night, and can’t carry a conversation with the opposite sex. Plus, Ben has a somewhat annoying older brother who is a bit too helpful in dishing out advice on life and getting laid. In the hopes of getting Ben closer to Fanny, the three boys hatch a plan to crash a party with some slightly disastrous consequences.
The series directed by Zac Wong stars Andrew Hu, Jeremy Steel, Jourdan Steel, Zac Wong, Jeff Bee, Victoria Park, Jacqueline Barrett, and Doug Weng.
The Potstickers: Episode 1 (contains explicit language)