Comedian Vince Royale is the subject of the upcoming documentary “Inside Joke,” a film by Andre Sandoval. The film takes you inside the comedy world as it follows the struggles of the New Jersey native and aspiring comedian living in Southern California. The documentary will profile and follow Vince as he works to make it to the top in the comedy circuit and entertainment industry. He has performed across the U.S. in prominent venues such as Caroline’s, The Gotham Comedy Club, Comic Strip Live and Yankee Stadium in New York. In the West Coast, he has performed at the world famous Comedy Store, The Punchline, the Improv, the Ice House, and the Laugh Factory. Vince has shared the stage and performed with comedy legends such as Louis C.K., Bobby Lee, Paul Mooney, Tommy Davidson, Todd Glass, Jim Gaffigan, Edwin San Juan, just to name a few.
Inside Joke: A Documentary on Vince Royale Trailer