Giant Robot Magazine co-founders Martin Wong and Eric Nakamura need your help to support the print publication. The bad economy couple with rising costs of postage and paper have hurt the magazine. They need at least $60,000 to ensure another year of full operation. Last year, they were on AMEX Small Business Rules. Here’s short statement from Giant Robot:
While diversification allowed Giant Robot to escape the fate suffered by many of our indie publishing peers in the second half of the ‘00s, 2009 was brutal. In addition to several distributors cutting out small press or folding altogether, paper has become more expensive and postage has skyrocketed exponentially. And while there has also been the support of loyal advertisers, the middle class of supporters has dropped, creating peaks and valleys in income that force us to live issue to issue. Complicating matters, store revenues and art show sales have suffered along with the economy, depriving the magazine of resources that allowed it to operate freely and thrive without the benefit or constraints of being part of a large publishing house.
Reducing pages, going from bimonthly to quarterly, or becoming an online entity are not options, and our editorial and production staff of two full-timers and two part-timers (intact since issue 18) is already as lean as can be.
See their full statement and find out ways you can support them here. Or drop by one of their stores in LA, SF, or NYC.
It’s been rough for the handful of Asian American print publications. Last year, AsianWeek ceased print publications. In 2008, remember the Save KoreAm Journal campaign. Hyphrn Magazine seems to be hanging in there tho.
Giant Robot Magazine needs your help