Talking About The Last Airbender by

The Racebending crew created a new video series on how to talk about The Last Airbender. Having trouble explaining to people why you feel so passionately about the casting of The Last Airbender film? (In other words, why there’s a problem with whitewashing an Asian character.) Previously, they did a video explaining the casting in 60 seconds.

Introduction to a short series on The Last Airbender film. How do you talk to people about this when passions are running so high?

Were the original characters white? How can you tell that they weren’t?

How was The Last Airbender movie cast?

Is there no such thing as a talented, profitable Asian American actor? Is the smart business decision to whitewash? Are Americans just not ready for films with people of color? Or is it time for something different than “the way things are”?

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