Someday by May Ling

Here’s an interesting way to combat domestic violence. A music video. In an effort to raise awareness of domestic violence, the New York Asian Women’s Center (NYAWC) collaborated with artist May Ling to produced a music video “Someday,” a song about a woman’s experience in an abusive home.

Singer/songwriter May Ling stated that

“Music has the special ability to communicate issues that people normally do not want to discuss. In the 70’s, many popular songs were about changing the world for the better. In the last three decades, popular musicians seem to be increasingly sticking to lighter topics. My hope is that Someday will inspire social dialogue and positive change. I could not be more thankful for the many talented actors and crew members who felt similarly and donated their time to make this happen.”

The music and clips from ‘Someday’ will be featured in a new public service announcement for NYAWC in New York. The group has also completed a Chinese PSA and is currently working to find stations interested in donating air time. They also hope to translate the PSA into other languages and make it available in other regions to help spread the word.

In the future, May Ling hopes to do more songs that will motivate public activism. She collaborating on other songs that deal with child trafficking, the Khmer Rouge, and victims of the Sichuan Earthquake.

Someday by May Ling

During their life time, 100,000 Asian women in New York City will be abused by their partner – emotionally, financially, physically, or sexually. NYAWC helps victims overcome violence and govern their own lives, free of abuse. The Center works to raise public awareness about domestic violence, advocates for the rights of battered women, and creates an agenda for social change. The group’s 24 hour, multi-lingual help line provides assistance in 11 different languages and can be reached at 1-888-888-7702. For more information on the NYAWC, visit Feel free to contact them or your local domesic violence center if you or someone you know is being abused.

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