Blame Drew’s Cancer by Paul Dateh

Paul Dateh‘s video below is great (like I gotta feeling by David Choi(s)), but it’s even cooler when you visit this site here. The site takes the song and pulls in public tweets synchronized to Paul Dateh singing the words to “Blame Drew’s Cancer”. You need to visit the site to appreciate it.

Very cool concept. You can take part too by tweeting with the hashtag #BlameDrewsCancer. Get details here.

If you like the song, you can download it for free here.

Blame Drew’s Cancer by Paul Dateh

Blame Drew’s Cancer Lyrics

I’m having a bad day

(Blame Drew’s cancer)

Feels like I’m stuck in the rain

(Yes, I’ll blame Drew’s cancer)

I really need to complain

So I’m blaming Drew’s cancer today to make it all go away

I think I’m losing my mind

(So I’ll blame Drew’s cancer)

I never got enough time

(Yes, I’m blaming Drew’s cancer)

Feels like I’ve been hung out to dry

So I’m blaming Drew’s cancer today to make it all go away

When things go wrong

It’s the perfect chance to stand strong

Because I know I’m not alone in blaming Drew’s cancer

That’s the way to go

Yes, I feel so much better

(‘Cause I blamed Drew’s cancer)

And now the sun’s shining down on me

And if ever again I’m feeling unhappy

Blaming Drew’s cancer’s the key

Yes, I’ll blame Drew’s cancer to make it go away

I’ll blame it everyday to make it go away

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