interviewed Secret Asian Man Tak Toyoshima about his contribution to the upcoming Secret Identites book. His story is about the interview he had with Larry Hama, one of the writers for G.I. Joe. However, in order to use Secret Asian Man (SAM) in Secret Identities, Tak Toyoshima had to convince United Features to allow him to do it. With everyone’s hard word and effort, you can see SAM meet Larry in Secret Identities and find out why there aren’t more Asian American superheroes.
Get your copy of “SECRET IDENTITIES: The Asian American Superhero Anthology” today.
Also check out the Secret Asian Man website. He’s celebrating his 10th Anniversay this year. Stay tuned for more videos from our interview with Tak Toyoshima. If you missed it, check out our Secret Identities interview with Lynn Chen
BTW – This was a crazy weekend for us when we shot this with Tak. It was the same weekend as ISA SF 2009. We were exhausted.
Secret Identities with Secret Asian Man Tak Toyoshima (Enjoy the clip even more if you ‘re in to 80’s music)