For the people of California, Proposition 8 is on your ballot this November
What is Prop 8? The entire text of Proposition 8 is as follows: “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized in California.” By voting yes, you are supporting traditional marriage between a man and a woman. By voting no, you are supporting gay marriage.
Needless to say, this proposition is a tight race and a controversial ballot measure, we decided to hop over to two sites (for Prop 8) and (against Prop 8) to see if there were any Asian American representation. To our surprise, we only saw Asian American representation on
Shockingly, the campaign did not use either Helen Zia and George Takei. Both of them married their partners earlier this year.
According to a recent poll, likely California voters overall now favor passage of Proposition 8 by a five-point margin, 47 percent to 42 percent. The recent surge for Prop 8 has come from young voters. Those in the Inland Empire and the Central Valley continue to back Proposition 8, while those in the Bay Area remain opposed. Those in the greater Los Angeles area also remained largely split. Support for a gay marriage ban was strongest among those who considered themselves conservatives and identified themselves as regular churchgoers. Opposition is strongest amongst liberals and those who are less religious.
Eight years ago, 61 percent of California voters approved the 2000 marriage ban, while only 52 percent of voters told pollsters they favored the proposition. While Californians may respond with politically correct answers to pollsters, their true beliefs are shown at the ballot box.
With the ballot measure so tight expect more TV ads for Prop 8 as well as against. Whatever your position, get out and vote this November.
Yes on Prop 8 ad
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No on prop 8 ad
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